If you are a young person aged 16-25 and have symptoms and/or experiences of anxiety/depression within the Merseyside area, then this is for you!
The project will provide you with LOADS of creative comic book and zine-based opportunities to experience the different benefits of comics and art to improve your overall wellness.
It can be incredibly hard being a young person- it can feel so lonely and difficult to navigate your feelings, especially when you may not be sure what those feelings are. But Turn the Page gives you the opportunity to be heard and listened to, as well as giving you the chance to get your story published and influence other young people to be just as brave as you are!
You can access:
1) 1-2-1 Comics based autobiographical narrative sessions (delivered over 6-8 weeks face-to-face or virtual via Microsoft Teams where you turn your life story into an ACTUAL story;
2) x2 ‘Zinester Cohorts’. 8 week issue based and zine making workshops within community venues across Merseyside.
So, whether you prefer 1-2-1 support or would like to meet more young people like you, there is something for everybody.