Calling all 8-13 year olds who want to let their imagination run wild every Saturday morning, 11am-12:30pm to create some comics, characters and super cool stories!
Every Saturday morning at our HQ (Make CIC, 2 Cleveland Street, Hamilton Square, CH41 6ND) we host our Saturday Comics Workshop. Supporting young people to be creative, the sessions are hosted by illustrative professionals who will support the group to make their own comics and illustrations- using the young people’s very own ideas!
Led by weekly prompts and themes, each sessions ends with something magic having been made and friendships being formed.
This is the perfect space for introverts and shy kids who want to talk about all their special interests, or the louder members of the bunch can discuss what their favourite comics are and why they’re the best!
We are person-led in all of our spaces, so if you have any barriers to access or require some specific support to enable you to engage with us- please email for a support plan to be put in place.
To join the program, you must first fill in this Membership Form. If you are filling this in on behalf of a child, please use the child’s name and information- carer information is further down on the form.
Once you are all signed up, you need to book on to the session via our Session Booking page. We operate on a week-on, week-off basis- this enables as many young people to access us as possible due to our limited spaces. For example, you came to week 1? Then please do not come on week 2, we will see you the week after!