Liverpool Music Scene...But Make It Queer...


Representation matters, whether that is in music, film, books, tv shows or people we see on the street who look like us. To feel like you are apart of something bigger and inclusive is magic. That is why so many people love Liverpool! Not only is it full of acceptance for all different groups, it is also home to the most culturally diverse and mixed group of people. We’re not the City of Culture for nothing, right?

A part of Liverpool’s makeup is the music scene, let me guess, you hear ‘Liverpool’ and think of The Beatles? The La’s? There is a whole host of music creators and listeners that Liverpool is associated with, but today, we celebrate our queer LBGTQIA+ people. We celebrate the queer musicians that paved and continue to change the music scene for the better and for the minorities. The Liverpool music scene does not have to look like white straight men in indie bands anymore, it can represent everyone. No matter your label or identity (or lack of label), you can bop to music creators and feel inspired, represented and safe.

The history of the queer music scene in Liverpool is a vague one, with homophobia still being promentent well into the 2000’s, but the new kids are on the block and we are not stepping down. The year is 2020 and there are plenty of reasons to celebrate and champion our loud and proud music scene for all to see and love!

Through music we can create friendships and lasting memories, with young up and coming artists like Callum Crighton whose recent 80’s top of the pops, camp, glittery dreamy single, ‘FAME’ we played on our radio station ‘Lockdown At The Disco’. From female identifying ‘Small Mouth’, a band comprised of two young women who play all things synth pop, to singer and writer Sarah L Smith who does covers and original content to soothe audiences. From trail blazers ‘Queen Zee’ who brought together Liverpool’s crusty punks and andro-queens, to thrash- punk band Piss Kitti, who riff about progressive topics surrounding queerness and gender. The list of queer Liverpool artists goes on, and just highlights the variety and talent that is amongst the LGBTQIA+ community which deserves to be celebrated.

Many artists such as Freddie Mercury, Elton John, Madonna (who said she would not have a career if it wasnt for the gay community... queen behaviour!), David Bowie, George Michael, Boy George, Lady Gaga, Cher (who has influenced multiple drag styles as well as publicly fighting for trans rights after her son came out as transgender) and the list STILL goes on.

Music has influenced the queer community a lot, from following the style trends of our music icons to hearing our favourite songs and finding who your community are just by who knows all the words. Trust us, if you play a Madonna tune- just see what happens...

Music builds, supports and maintains community and community means everything to LGBTQIA+ people, being labelled as ‘other’ can be a very isolated experience, but with plenty of icons and musical interests surrounding us- we are never alone. Let’s Dance!

If you know any other queer music artists in and around Liverpool who you think deserve to be known, let us know via email or DM us on our social medias at ‘comicsyouth’.

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